Tag Archives: reading

It’s the ‘011, son!

So I thought that fifteen days into the new year was an appropriate time to discuss resolutions. Punctual, no? Chattanooga schools have been out for the entire week due to six inches of snow that will not go away. That has left me with plenty of time to loaf around the apartment while contemplating the slow atrophy of my brain. Figuring that this behavior was not representative of how I plan on spending the rest of the year I started thinking about goals for the rest of  The ‘011.

Along with the ubiquitous goal to exercise more this year I have decided to set a goal all about reading. I plan on setting aside a portion of every day to turn off the television, put away the laptop, and just read. The second half of this goal is to read something educational/scholarly daily online. I figure that both of those will help to focus both my personal and professional pursuits. That and the fact that I was disappointed with having realized I only read 31 books last year. I plan on reaching at least 50 this year and could easily do that just with the backlog of books taking up space on my shelves. One down and 49 to go.

While this goal about reading will be one of my regular focal points as far The Rumpus is concerned I don’t want to limit it to being my only resolution for the rest of the year. If I happen to come up with any more you guys may or may not see a post about it in the future. Who knows? That being said, I still want to hear any suggestions or whatever brilliant bits of cleverness that you guys have floating around as well and add them to my list. I’m excited about this new year and the idea of spending more time honing skills that I enjoy such as this blog and so on. Here’s to a great year.

Time for reading.

Ah, Christmas break. This print seemed appropriate for how I want to spend my time for the next few weeks.

A Reading Man pt.3

The Passage.

I recently finished reading The Passage by Justin Cronin. It is a bit of a time-sucker because it is quite long and ridiculously intriguing. Before you might write this book off as yet another profit-seeker so common now to the vampire fiction genre let me reassure you that you don’t have to be a vamp fan to enjoy this book. Instead, think of The Passage as a sprawling epic account of a virus that turns the North American continent into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The stories of a young girl, death row inmates, federal agents, and a lone colony interweave to create a genuinely great start to a new trilogy by Justin Cronin. Highly recommended mix of literary fiction and the supernatural.

More Reading Men.

A Reading Man.